Murphy's Taprom

Manchester, NH

I took a failing local company restaurant website that had been broken for many years and I turned it around by building a brand new website that provided both locations along with the diner that is next door to the downtown Manchester, NH Taproom.

Having to create all new content from nothing and setting up better quality web hosting and email was the first step.  The next step was what platform would be ideal to be easy to access, easy to manage, and easy enough for the owner to have need of logging into.

WordPress is the platform that the websites are built on and managed with. 

Social Media and other digital marketing was the next step in improving the company’s business brand and customer engagement. Freshly updated sites included Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google Business.  

Live streaming and promoting of events that took place, even the daily specials that had been taking place.  Having waitresses, waiters, and bartenders involved and even some customers be part of the live experience made all the difference.  

Looking at their social media from the dates I did work for Murphy’s shows the increase of online visitors that also lead to more in person customers. The decline before and after I arrived and left shows for itself.

Murphy's Taproom

Bedford, NH

Murphy's Taproom & Carriage House was opened in the summer of 2017 to have a more upper scale style of restaurant along with events and weddings.  This is a beautiful establishment.

Murphy's Diner

Manchester, NH

The Diner is right next door to the Taproom sharing the same block and parking lot. We put together a new website to look represent the diner that is more retro looking inside.